New Filter in Search Term Report

The Search Term report is really great for looking for new keywords that you might not have thought of before and also for discovering invalid keywords that you can exclude from your campaigns.

Google recently added a new filter called “search term” as one of the filter options in the Search Term report. It’s useful when you want to analyze the huge amount of data gathered and you would like to develop a specific strategy. The example provided by Google was a florist trying to discover the search terms related to “valentine” weeks before it leads to February 14.

Check out the Search Term report which can be found on the Keywords Tab.

How to Improve Your Click-Through Rates

A click-through rate is the number of times that your ads get clicked on over the number of times that is shown to the visitors. In short, it’s total clicks divided by the number of impressions.

If you have ever wondered why are there so many people looking at your ads but the number of people clicking on them is so low, here’s a posting at WordStream outlining some strategies that you can use to improve your CTR.

And why should we bother on improving our campaign’s CTR? Well an improved CTR can help improve the Quality Score of the related keyword and in turn improve the ad position associated to the keyword.

Once you understand some of these techniques on how to improve your CTR, go try them out in your campaigns!

7 Factors to Consider When Evaluating Bid Optimization Platform

Managing a campaign manually is possible when the campaign is relatively small. But when campaigns start to scale to a size where it becomes complicated and harder to be managed manually, bid optimization software will come into play.

DoubleClick Search recently came up with 7 factors to consider if you are looking for a bid optimization platform to work on.

The 7 factors:

  1. Meeting objectives with flexible goals
  2. Fresh and reliable data to make smarter decisions
  3. Smart algorithms for smart decisions
  4. Fast response of the tool to take opportunities
  5. Frequency of algorithm change and updates
  6. The amount of control while automating
  7. Service from the team

Accompanying the blog post is also an infographic and white paper on it.

Making Changes With Bulk Editing Features in AdWords

Google has recently released the bulk editing features globally and you can now perform actions on the AdWords interface that you could previously perform only on the AdWords Editor.

Let Alistair Dent show you 4 examples using the bulk editing features that can be useful in your campaigns.

You can find the glossary for Bulk Edits here and the blog post announcing this feature here.

Learning Resources From Google

Google provides some great resources to learn AdWords, analytics and SEO online.

Here are 3 great sites where you can do some self-learning in these 3 areas.

  • Webmaster Academy – Not exactly the typical SEO course that you can find online but this is still a source of information right from the search engine themselves on what Google looks for in websites to perform well in Google search results.

In the event that you need any assistance in preparing yourselves for the Google Certification Program, we do provide in-house training program to facilitate that. Just contact us for more details.